5G and Beyond, into 6G Doorsteps

5G and Beyond, into 6G Doorsteps | Why 5G is Different?

What is 5G &  6G

The “G” in mobile/internet network terms only stands for generation: generation of wireless mobile telecommunications technology. 2G brought voice communication, 3G gave access to the web and some video services, and 4G made things like the app economy possible. But with the applications of our wireless technology expanding at such a rapid rate — from smartphones and tablets to full Internet of Things (IoT) implementation — 4G is no longer going to cut it.

5G moves us to a truly connected society with very high data rates, low latency, and massively interconnected devices. This jump in connectedness comes at a high network cost, so a great deal of thought is being put into increasing capacity while minimizing cost.

It is designed to connect virtually in high data speed, with high reliability and low latency. 5G is a unified platform than 4G. 5G can deliver up to 20 Gigabits-per-second (Gbps) peak data rates and 100+ Megabits-per-second (Mbps) average data rates.

5G can be used in three main connection service, they include:

  • Enhanced Mobile Broadband
  • Mission-critical communications, and
  • The massive IoT

It is designed to support the services flexibly that will be necessary in future.
5G mobile technology can be used in smartphones with faster and uniform data rates with low cost per bit.

5G offers industries low latency links for performing remote control over infrastructure, vehicles and medical uses.

5G offers industries
Radio Spectrum


5G is about much more than just mobile phones. It will be the crucial foundation for the development of the Internet of Things (IoT) and virtual reality (VR) applications across a variety of industries. The new generation of telecom networks must support massive amounts of data traffic while ensuring ultra-low communication latency for a smooth user experience.

While the higher-frequency spectrum used for 5G offers significant new capacity and data speeds, it also means shorter propagation distances. In high traffic areas such as cities, town centers and business districts, operators are going to need large numbers of smaller cells with low power base stations that will provide the desired coverage and capacity. Furthermore, to achieve the high user data rates, multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) systems featuring dozens of antennas will be necessary to boost the signal when required.

For an idea of the challenge associated with implementing 5G, a typical 4G macro cell will cover an area of around 25 square kilometres. In contrast, 5G could require 20 or more cells to cover just one square kilometre.

Furthermore, statistics show that 80 percent of mobile traffic takes place indoors. Considering the diversified nature of 5G services, it is anticipated that this figure will increase to 85 percent. Therefore, indoor network quality will be the competitive edge for mobile operators in 5G in the future.

The result of this is that, even though 5G is a wireless technology, its deployment will involve a lot more fibre and copper cable to connect equipment, both within the radio access network domain and back to the routing and core network infrastructure. Furthermore, 5G will require many more antennas than 4G ever did. That’s why this continuous demand for faster and more efficient connectivity across the world calls for state-of-the-art cable infrastructure to make 5G possible and to break down these barriers.

Getting into 6G

6G in short for sixth-generation of wireless networks, which will be the successor to 5G technology. Like all previous generations, 6G is expected to expand on the capabilities of 5G. That will mean expanding on speed and data capacity, plus the innovations regarding IoT or the Internet of Things that 5G is widely expected to usher in.

Getting into 6G

What is 6G – The Basics

In telecommunications, 6G will be the sixth-generation standard for wireless communications technologies supporting networks. The eventual goal is to replace or work alongside 5G networks and will offer significantly faster transmissions, at speeds of ~95 Gbit/s.

6G Radio Frequency – What is 6G?

6G radio frequency will work in the wavelength ranges above 95GHz. While not defined yet, this is the most likely area as it offers a significant jump in wavelength abilities to offer much faster and more dense data rates.

Band Frequency WR-Size
F 90 GHz-140 GHz WR-8
D 110 GHz to 170 GHz WR-6
G 140 GHz to 220 GHz WR-5
G 170 GHz to 260 GHz WR-4
G 220 GHz to 325 GHz WR-3
Y 325 GHz to 500 GHz WR-2
Y 500 GHz to 750 GHz WR-1.5
Y 750 GHz to 1100 GHz WR-1
  up to 3000 GHz (3 Terahertz)  

Are there 6G Products available?

While it’s really early, there are companies working in these higher frequencies already. They are creating prototypes, products and working in the 6G spectrum to enhance already existing services and infrastructure.

One particular use is in automotive industry needs. 6G will be used in things like auto sensors, autonomous driving needs, radar sensing and short distance point to point solutions to carry super high-speed data.

Imagine a network of cars, light poles, signs, devices all working as one mesh network in relaying high speed data back and forth.

How will 6G technology help me?

The technology that is being implemented today with 5G networks will be enhanced and improved further with 6G. NTT DoCoMo talks about 6G making neuro/brain wearable devices that make it possible for cyberspace to support human thought and action in real time through wearable devices and micro-devices mounted on the human body.

Apple’s Glass initiative will be something that will need high speed data rates and will live in this 5G world and 6G will only make that even more possible.

What may look like science fiction will become science fact, with speeds more than 100Gbps that will make it possible for sensory interfaces that feel and look just like real life, potentially through smart glasses or contact lenses.

When will we see 6G products?

It won’t be anytime soon…we are barely trying to get 6G networks fully operational globally. You may see them for commercial applications by next decade depending on the advancement of 5G and 6G networks and how their implementations go globally.

References – Material is based on the sources available on the internet.


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