Career Opportunities

Career Opportunities in Semiconductor Engineering Industry

The fact that semiconductors power the modern world is not an understatement. And one of the outcomes of the pandemic: The usage of electronic devices has increased exponentially. And with ever-growing demand, the number of jobs in the market is growing rapidly too.

And talking about the ASIC (Application-specific Integrated circuit) development flow:

Career Opportunities in Semiconductor Engineering

And when it comes to Career Opportunities in Semiconductor Engineering, the following table shows you the generally used job titles along with the skill expectations:

Job Title Skills required – Tools to learn
RTL Design Xilinx ISE, Modelsim, Synopsis DC, Cadence Encounter
Physical Design Aprisa, Calibre Inroute, Virtoso
Design Verification Digital Electronics, Microprocessors and Microcontrollers, Coding: OOPs concepts, Verilog, System Verilog
Design for Test ATPG, MBIST,  Boundary Scan and JTAG, Logical Equivalence, GLS, Visual Debug
Analog Layout Cadence Virtuoso, Synopsis, MG
Analog Design ICs, CMOS, RF, Circuit design
Embedded C programming language. Microprocessors Microcontrollers.

As there is a huge gap between the supply and demands in the market for the engineers for the above-mentioned job profiles(And we mean demands are much higher), we recommend having theoretical knowledge along with a couple of projects of your own (internships are a plus) are enough to get you a good start in the career in the semiconductor service industry.



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